
Design & Build

A turn-key solution from design to construction. A one stop shop for those looking to impress.

What is design And build?

Picture this: a group of talented architects and builders, working hand in hand, under the same roof. It's a one-stop-shop where our design and construction teams join forces and work together from start to finish. They bring together their superpowers of design and construction, ensuring your project goes from just an idea to a remarkable reality.

Why choose design & build?

With our design and build services, there's no need to juggle separate contractors or play the middleman between different parties. 

It's like having a construction concierge who takes care of everything – architectural design, engineering, permits, procurement, construction, and project management. 

This synergy allows for seamless collaboration and communication among everyone involved. This results in streamlined timelines, enhanced cost efficiency, and superior project outcomes.

We become the ultimate coordinators from initial concept to final execution. We ensure that your project gets the attention it deserves and deliver a turn key space dedicated to you. 
Commercial Design and Build Toronto
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter
First  - Impressions  - Matter


How much will it cost? What's the design & build process? When can I open up for business? We discuss all of the above plus more to provide you with the right information to make an educated decision. 

Our free consultation serves as a platform for open communication and collaboration. It's about connecting the dots between aspirations, vision, timelines and budget. We collect the details and discuss essential information to grasp your project's scope and objectives. This initial consultation sets the foundation for a successful partnership, ensuring that we fully understand your needs and can craft a tailored approach to illuminate your path ahead. 


The design and permitting process for your project is like a carefully choreographed dance between creativity and bureaucracy. It starts with onsite measurements, where we gather the physical details and dimensions of the space. Then, the brainstorming begins…

We collaborate with you to craft a unique design package aligned with your visual aesthetics, business and customer requirements. We dive into creating conceptual layouts, bringing your design to life.

But it doesn't stop there - we put on our drafting hats and meticulously craft permit drawings and interior renderings. These drawings, like love letters to the city, are submitted for approval, and we navigate the maze of communication with the city, addressing any queries or concerns.

Finally, the moment arrives when we receive the golden seal of approval, and the approved drawings are in our hands. It's a thrilling process of creativity, attention to detail, and effective communication that paves the way for the next phase of transforming dreams into a concrete reality.


This is a crucial step for project planning and execution. Based on your designs we determine projected costs and the resources needed for your project. We review your permit drawings and interior designs to accurately quote and outline the full scope of your project. 

We obtain materials, equipment, and schedule the trades required for your build. Efficient procurement ensures prompt scheduling, cost control, and quality assurance.

These aspects together ensure successful project execution and optimal resource management. It's like a construction shopping spree, and we've got the ultimate wish list to make your dreams come true.


With a tight schedule in place and materials on site, let the construction begin. Our team is armed with their trusty tools and unwavering determination.

We bring your plans to life with skilled workers executing various tasks under our guidance. And worry not, we'll keep you in the loop with milestone updates so you can follow our progress every step of the way. 

We coordinate with the city and book inspections at various stages to ensure compliance, keeping your build on the right track and full steam ahead.


It’s time! Get your oversized scissors that could rival even the mightiest of construction tools, and get ready to cut that ribbon and declare your build officially open for business!

It's a grand opening you won't want to miss, as we celebrate the end of one epic construction journey and the beginning of a brand-new chapter for your business. Cheers to construction magic and making dreams a reality!

We would love to hear about your project.

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